Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Medical liability reform USA

Today, US Government plans to limit the amount of money juries can award victims of medical malpractice.. Bush said: "For the sake of affordable and accessible health care in America, we must have a limit on what they call non-economic damages -- I propose a cap of $250,000,".. Government predicted, with no changes in this policy, excessive jury awards will continue to drive up insurance costs, will put good doctors out of business..."these lawyers will sue everybody in sight in order to try to get something,"

Fear of lawsuits has also boosted the cost of health care by leading doctors to practice "defensive medicine," ordering unneeded tests and procedures, Bush said, adding that such practices raise the federal government's health care costs by at least $28 billion a year. link

hummm... just wondering how Indonesian public health policies are.. reminding me to malpractice cases in Indonesia several months ago..about LBH Kedokteran..YLKI Kedokteran..
well, can we really blame the doctor for such a mistakes? (mistake.. not a misprosedural things..or out of authority action )

How to make it balance..? between protect the patient.. and also the doctor !.. we need them, no matter what.. versi depkes.. kalo kita diserang terus maka ilmu kedokteran tidak akan berkembang, dokter2 tidak akan melakukan apa-apa kl kemungkinannya tidak 100% .. Na und ?

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