Wednesday, January 05, 2005

MEDICAL IMAGING Readers Choice Award 2004

"Whos the best in Medical Imaging Industry nowadays ? " Here is the list of top 20 finalists for each category...

Interesting result shown in the "Medical Imaging Readers'choice award 2004", wide combination of big-small,old-new,public-private, domestic-foster a marketplace company.. (not sure what it really means..foster a marketplace? is it to limiting the market, focusing to one special segment ? maybe.. ntar tanya swa aja..:D )

es gibt 3 Kategorien in der Konkurrenz (naon iye, campur2..:p)
2-Accessories, Supplies and Services
3-Dealer, Distributor and Re-manufacturer/Re-builder (Does it mean second hand intruments ? :p ada jg 'pasar' barang bekas alat medik ya.. )

unfortunately, this is only for US market.. I wonder if there's anything like this for the whole world market,.. or at least for europe ? .. it would be nice to see the result.. (ntar deh tanya k'Ahya.. :D)

MEDICAL IMAGING Readers' Choice Awar 2004--
and the winner are :
to be continued aja kali ya..kepenuhan ntar.:D

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