Finally it has happened. The world's most famous mummy has met the world's most successful imaging modality! After almost 2 years of preparations during which I saw the project grow and develop through countless hurdles resulting from technical, financial and political adversities, I am certainly proud to see the efforts of all those who were involved come to fruition with the Siemens Somatom Emotion 6 appearing in newspapers and television news all over the world. And that's only the beginning. Next step will be to interpret the results of the scan in order to unveil the secret of Tut's death. Then one by one each mummy in Egypt will be virtually probed to disclose it's own secrets, collectively providing sciences varying from medicine to anthropology with invaluable information about life and 'after-life' in that old and fascinating civilisation.
The collaboration with the University of Hawaii represented by Prof. DeWolfe Miller and with National Geographic was crucial for the success of this project. Within Siemens Medical I would like to thank Dr. Richard Hausmann and Mr. Claus-Wilhelm Behnke for their trust and support. I would also like to thank Michael Brunner, CTL OM and Helge Radtke, KL CT P, for the great management of the technical/logistical and financial issues that were surely not easy to overcome. Thanks to our colleagues from Siemens Ltd in Cairo as well as the colleagues from IBG, our sales representative in Egypt, who have gone far beyond their reponsibilities, dealing with the great bureaucracies of the egyptian customs and other Egypt-specific challenges that can only be handled the egyptian way?! Thanks to Chad DeGraaff for his time and involvement on the applications side ( too bad that unforeseen delays prevented him from performing the actual scan) and to Doris Pischitz for her great communication skills and her enthusiasm and appreciation of the historical importance of this project. Last but not least I would like to thank Dr. Hany Amer, our applications specialist in Egypt who undertook the big task of actually scanning the king!!
This project has been anything but routine and all mentioned here and many others have proven their flexibility and dedication to get it done. Therefore, once again I am proud to have been part of this project and this team. Attached to this message are some images of the mummy being examined, transported and scanned together with the news article from the Associated Press in case you have not seen it.
At CT we do not only think ahead, we also look back to where we come from, for there could lie the clue to the next step forwards.
May God protect you from the curse of the Pharaohs :-)
Amr El-Hitami
CT-Sales & Marketing Manager
SIEMENS Medical Solutions CTM SP
* Siemensstr.1, 91301 Forchheim, Germany
( + 49-9191-18-8765
Mobile + 49-175 297 4248
Fax + 49-9191-18-9998
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