Tuesday, September 27, 2005
LightSpeed VCT
End of this month, a new GE's 64 slices CT Scanner will be installed at Rumah Sakit Abdi Waluyo Jakarta. Here's some short information about the instruments :
The LightSpeed VCT scanner, the first embodiment of GE’s Volume CT approach, delivers 40mm of coverage per rotation while providing 0.35mm microVoxel™ resolution. In comparison, conventional multi-slice CT scanners performing at their highest resolution can offer only half that coverage at best or, can image large anatomical regions efficiently but may sacrifice image detail.
In fact, at maximum pitch, LightSpeed VCT provides higher resolution and 73% more coverage per second than is currently projected from the most recent advancements seen in 32- and 40-slice multi-slice CT scanners coming onto the market. This speed translates into being able to capture dynamic events easily.
This unprecedented marriage of high volume and high resolution has three major clinical rewards:
1.Dramatically reduced acquisition times: Static organs can be imaged in one second, the lung in two seconds, and a whole body scan be completed in less than 10 seconds.
That’s half or less than half the time multi-slice – and a more comfortable breath-hold for patients.
2.Improved image quality: Image quality benefits from true volumetric acquisition and reconstruction, including; the reduction in motion artifacts, thin slice imaging for every scan mode, and better multi-planar reformats.
Plus, LightSpeed VCT holds promise
improved contrast efficiencies, better
anatomical enhancement with the
same contrast load or the opportunity
to recognize contrast savings, due to
the four-fold decrease in acquisition
times relative to 16-slice systems.
New diagnostic possibilities:
Most importantly, Volume CT opens
door to game-changing clinical applications,
such as the ability to acquire
complete coronary angiogram within
five heartbeats, help physicians rule
out (or in) the three main lifethreatening
causes of ER chest pain
in one non-invasive scan, and make
stroke workup more routine.
GE Smart mA
GE introduced Smart mA in 1994 and was the first CT manufacturer to provide scanners with Automatic Exposure Control –a major step forward in managing patient dose.
The LightSpeed VCT offers the Smart mA system, which combines both z-axis and angular tube current modulation to adjust the dose to the size and shape of individual patients – accounting for all three dimensions.
Prior to scanning, the user selects the desired image quality, or noise index. Based on a single scout scan, the system adjusts the exposure during the CT scan to achieve that level of acceptable noise across the region of interest. Similar to cruise control on a car, the system increases and decreases the mA as it encounters various anatomy thicknesses and asymmetries.
Compared with using a fixed mA, Smart mA can reduce patient dose by as much as 32.5% while maintaining consistent image quality.
ECG gating also can be used to modulate the mA during the heart cycle to achieve up to 50% dose reductions on many cardiac studies. ECG modulation takes advantage
of the fact that cardiac motion is generally greatest during the systolic phase and only applies full tube current to the patient when imaging during the diastolic period where motion is minimal.
Friday, April 08, 2005
Phillips COBRA in 3D CT
Phillips memperkenalkan metoda baru dalam Rekonstruksi CT: COBRA (Cone Beam Reconstruction Algorithm)
merupakan terobosan baru yang memungkin semakin akuratnya pemeriksaan untuk aplikasi penting , seperti cardiac , endoskopis dan onkologi.
Algoritma yang dikembangkan berdasarkan atas prinsip cone beam reconstruction (seperti halnya scanner yg lain) namun memungkinkan rekonstruksi yang lebih baik dan tidak terikat dengan jumlah kanal DAS (Data Acquisition System). Dengan bahasa singkat, algortima ini bisa dipakai untuk berapa pun banyaknya slice yg ingindigunakan dan gambar yang dihasilan bebas dari artifact.
Analisa Algoritma Rekonstruksi Konvensional
Metoda Rekonstruksi konvensional memiliki beberapa keterbatasan dalam menghasilkan artifact-free image. Dalam multislice scanner CT, proses akuisis data dilakukan secara cone beam. Lihat gambar (1a). Dalam metode konvensional, rekonstruksi dilakukan dengan mengaproksimasi 3D cone ini melalui 2D Multi fan beam satu untuk tiap row detector yang digunakan (lihat gambar 1.b). Back projection dari 2D Multi fan beam ini lah yang kemudian akan digunakan untuk merekonstruksi keseluruhan citra.
Kelemahan pendekatan Multi fan Beam adalah banyaknya asumsi2 dan pendekatan estimasi yang dilakukan selama melakukan rekonstruksi. Untuk Scanner 4 slice, artifact pada citra yg dihasilkan oleh metoda ini dapat diabaikan, walaupun masih tetap terlihat dalam image. Akan tetapi untuk Scanner advance 6,16,64 Slices , artifact yang dihasilkan akan sangat mencolok sekali, terutama untuk aproksimasi pada row detector yang terjauh dari pusat beam. Hal ini disebabkan karena pada dasarnya rekonstruksi dilakukan dengan asumsi geomtri yang salah.
Phillips COBRA
COBRA adalah algoritma yang memungkinkanrekonstruksi dengan pendekatan menurut geometri yang sesuai cone beam saat akuisisi data (gambar 1.d). Rekonstruksi dilakukan tidak lagi melalui 2D backprojection, akan tetapi langsung mangadopsi keseluruhan backprojection data 3D , sehingga tidak lagi dilakukan pendekatan estimasi rekonstruksi dan gambar yang dihasilkan bebas dari artifacts. .
Rekonstruksi 3D ini tentu saja membutuhkan komputasi yang lebih gila-gilaan dari metoda konvensional biasa. Untuk mengimplementasikan metoda ini dibuat nphi ASIC chip khusus dikembangkan bekerjasama dengan Univ. Linkopin. Buat perbandingan kemampuan komputasi chip ini mempunyai kemampuan setara 16.000 PC, dan dirangkai dengan lebih dari 100 juta tranmsistor.
SOURCE : Phillips Medical Journal
Remarks: Untuk Siemens metode yang hampir serupa dikenal dengan nama AMPR , di patentkan oleh Mr. Herbert Bruder -- my supervisor. :)
merupakan terobosan baru yang memungkin semakin akuratnya pemeriksaan untuk aplikasi penting , seperti cardiac , endoskopis dan onkologi.
Algoritma yang dikembangkan berdasarkan atas prinsip cone beam reconstruction (seperti halnya scanner yg lain) namun memungkinkan rekonstruksi yang lebih baik dan tidak terikat dengan jumlah kanal DAS (Data Acquisition System). Dengan bahasa singkat, algortima ini bisa dipakai untuk berapa pun banyaknya slice yg ingindigunakan dan gambar yang dihasilan bebas dari artifact.
Analisa Algoritma Rekonstruksi Konvensional
Metoda Rekonstruksi konvensional memiliki beberapa keterbatasan dalam menghasilkan artifact-free image. Dalam multislice scanner CT, proses akuisis data dilakukan secara cone beam. Lihat gambar (1a). Dalam metode konvensional, rekonstruksi dilakukan dengan mengaproksimasi 3D cone ini melalui 2D Multi fan beam satu untuk tiap row detector yang digunakan (lihat gambar 1.b). Back projection dari 2D Multi fan beam ini lah yang kemudian akan digunakan untuk merekonstruksi keseluruhan citra.
Kelemahan pendekatan Multi fan Beam adalah banyaknya asumsi2 dan pendekatan estimasi yang dilakukan selama melakukan rekonstruksi. Untuk Scanner 4 slice, artifact pada citra yg dihasilkan oleh metoda ini dapat diabaikan, walaupun masih tetap terlihat dalam image. Akan tetapi untuk Scanner advance 6,16,64 Slices , artifact yang dihasilkan akan sangat mencolok sekali, terutama untuk aproksimasi pada row detector yang terjauh dari pusat beam. Hal ini disebabkan karena pada dasarnya rekonstruksi dilakukan dengan asumsi geomtri yang salah.
Phillips COBRA
COBRA adalah algoritma yang memungkinkanrekonstruksi dengan pendekatan menurut geometri yang sesuai cone beam saat akuisisi data (gambar 1.d). Rekonstruksi dilakukan tidak lagi melalui 2D backprojection, akan tetapi langsung mangadopsi keseluruhan backprojection data 3D , sehingga tidak lagi dilakukan pendekatan estimasi rekonstruksi dan gambar yang dihasilkan bebas dari artifacts. .
Rekonstruksi 3D ini tentu saja membutuhkan komputasi yang lebih gila-gilaan dari metoda konvensional biasa. Untuk mengimplementasikan metoda ini dibuat nphi ASIC chip khusus dikembangkan bekerjasama dengan Univ. Linkopin. Buat perbandingan kemampuan komputasi chip ini mempunyai kemampuan setara 16.000 PC, dan dirangkai dengan lebih dari 100 juta tranmsistor.
SOURCE : Phillips Medical Journal
Remarks: Untuk Siemens metode yang hampir serupa dikenal dengan nama AMPR , di patentkan oleh Mr. Herbert Bruder -- my supervisor. :)
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Optimum Phase Selection Cardiac CT Imaging - My Master Thesis
In cardiac CT imaging an optimal phase determination is a prerequisite for good image quality. The aim of this work is to develop an alternative gating strategy in optimizing cardiac image reconstruction by automatically defining the optimum gating phase of the heart independently from patient-patient and cycle-cycle variability.
Automatic optimum phase detection introduced by Phillips Research laboratories is reproduced for this purpose. The method successfully shows motion pattern of the heart, and delivers the systole-diastole phase directly from a motion map. However in coronary CT angiography the domain of Cardiac CT imaging, the method is not accurate enough. Motion of the arteries are overshadowed by the chamber motion, thus the real motion pattern of arteries are not presented well.
Defining subset voxel containing mainly the coronary arteries will expand the functionality of the algorithm. Instead of the whole axial slices, the motion map is derived from the subset voxels. Additional histogram HU weighting function is also used in order to focus the motion calculation on pixels containing contrast media.
The algorithm is validated with three patient data from University of Tübingen measured with a 16 slices scanner. The right coronaryartery is analyzed and the cycle-dependent local phases are determined. Comparing image reconstructed with the proposed algorithm and images reconstructed with conventional method, shows the improvement in the image quality and demonstrates the benefit ofthe automatic method. The coronary artery is shown with high contrast and in good continuity with reduced motion artifact. Nevertheless, its limitation to eliminate residual step artifact is one important topic, which needs to be investigated in the further work.
Keyword: Cardiac CT Imaging, gating strategies, Motion Map, optimum phase selection
Medical Market Prediction for Indonesia
source: Espicom Bussiness Inteligence- 2003
Proyeksi Pasar Alat Kesehatan Indonesia (2005)
Total Market : 89 Millions US
dengan distribusi:
- Medical Equipment : 44 Millions
(including Electromedical, syringe, needle, catheters, Dental)
- Orthopaedics / prosthetics: 15 Millions
- Peralatan X-Ray: 10 Millions
- Therapy: 4 Millions
- bandages, perbekalan medis : 7 Millions
- Film XRay: 2 Millions
- Golves, Sterilisasi : 3 Millions
- wheelchair, lenses, Medical furniture : 1 Millions
Tahun sebelumnya,. market peralatan kesehatan di Indonesia mencapai 72 US Millions dengan pertumbuhan 3%.
Proyeksi Pasar Alat Kesehatan Indonesia (2005)
Total Market : 89 Millions US
dengan distribusi:
- Medical Equipment : 44 Millions
(including Electromedical, syringe, needle, catheters, Dental)
- Orthopaedics / prosthetics: 15 Millions
- Peralatan X-Ray: 10 Millions
- Therapy: 4 Millions
- bandages, perbekalan medis : 7 Millions
- Film XRay: 2 Millions
- Golves, Sterilisasi : 3 Millions
- wheelchair, lenses, Medical furniture : 1 Millions
Tahun sebelumnya,. market peralatan kesehatan di Indonesia mencapai 72 US Millions dengan pertumbuhan 3%.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
CeBIT 2005: The electronic healthcare card is coming…
In hall 9 at CeBIT, the first solution architecture for the electronic healthcare card was presented to German Health Minister Ulla Schmidt. This architecture, developed by the Fraunhofer Society on behalf of the joint self-governing body that represents the healthcare industry and the Federal Ministry of Health, describes the specific software roadmap – much like the detailed plans for building a house.
The healthcare card solution from Com, exhibited in both hall 9 and hall 26, dovetails seamlessly with this proposal. Siemens' solution centers around three different smartcards for patients, doctors and healthcare organizations. These chipcards permit access to patient information that is stored on central servers. Like electronic cash cards, the healthcare cards are PIN-protected to guard against abuse and manipulation. In addition, even doctors can only look up certain parts of a patient's record subject to the patient's own explicit consent. In other words, both cards must be read in and both PINs entered before access is granted.
Central data storage prevents unnecessary duplicate examinations and ensures that all doctors involved in treating a patient have up-to-date information at their fingertips. Similarly, prescriptions are no longer printed out but are instead stored on a central system. Pharmacists will in turn use their chipcards to access these prescriptions and hand out the corresponding medication.
A whole spectrum of smart add-on applications can also be run on the same underlying network infrastructure, all of which can sharply improve the quality of medical treatment. Examples include solutions that check prescriptions for contra-indications, and posting systems that automatically schedule operations or rehabilitation, for instance.
"The launch of the electronic healthcare card will trigger a far-reaching revolution that improves the quality of healthcare, makes it more economical and more transparent, and cuts out a lot of the red tape," said Schmidt. "Starting in 2006, the electronic patient record will gradually replace the health insurance card we know today. The healthcare card is the first application that has the technical capabilities to cope with the 700 million or so prescriptions made out every year. Electronic prescriptions also allow medication to be documented – a voluntary option for patients that can drastically reduce undesirable side-effects as a result of medical treatment. This documentation and the practice of creating prescriptions electronically alone will inject greater certainty into medical treatment and will generate savings of over a billion euros – both of which will benefit the patients."
The healthcare card solution from Com, exhibited in both hall 9 and hall 26, dovetails seamlessly with this proposal. Siemens' solution centers around three different smartcards for patients, doctors and healthcare organizations. These chipcards permit access to patient information that is stored on central servers. Like electronic cash cards, the healthcare cards are PIN-protected to guard against abuse and manipulation. In addition, even doctors can only look up certain parts of a patient's record subject to the patient's own explicit consent. In other words, both cards must be read in and both PINs entered before access is granted.
Central data storage prevents unnecessary duplicate examinations and ensures that all doctors involved in treating a patient have up-to-date information at their fingertips. Similarly, prescriptions are no longer printed out but are instead stored on a central system. Pharmacists will in turn use their chipcards to access these prescriptions and hand out the corresponding medication.
A whole spectrum of smart add-on applications can also be run on the same underlying network infrastructure, all of which can sharply improve the quality of medical treatment. Examples include solutions that check prescriptions for contra-indications, and posting systems that automatically schedule operations or rehabilitation, for instance.
"The launch of the electronic healthcare card will trigger a far-reaching revolution that improves the quality of healthcare, makes it more economical and more transparent, and cuts out a lot of the red tape," said Schmidt. "Starting in 2006, the electronic patient record will gradually replace the health insurance card we know today. The healthcare card is the first application that has the technical capabilities to cope with the 700 million or so prescriptions made out every year. Electronic prescriptions also allow medication to be documented – a voluntary option for patients that can drastically reduce undesirable side-effects as a result of medical treatment. This documentation and the practice of creating prescriptions electronically alone will inject greater certainty into medical treatment and will generate savings of over a billion euros – both of which will benefit the patients."
Friday, March 04, 2005
CT advances win converts in cardiac imaging
“I don’t do coronary MRs anymore. It’s just too time-consuming, and I can’t get a straight answer,”
-- compare to other modalities Cardiac CT imaging is leading now on.. hey,its not because im doing my master thesis in this area.. read an article below.. :D
its so great when u use the 64 slices CT.. I've tried once... so so so fast !
'It’s taken off very, very rapidly. don't blink ! :p '
Radiologists find that quickest way to a patient’s heart is through a CT scanner gantry
By Catherine Carrington
For anyone keeping an eye on advances in cardiac CT, don’t blink. Once dominated by coronary calcium screening and weighed down by controversy, cardiac CT has gotten a second wind, racing past technological obstacles and impressing former skeptics with its clinical promise.
Early research suggests that CT could become the preferred tool for noninvasive angiography, differentiate soft atherosclerotic plaque from its less vulnerable calcified form, and perhaps add a new dimension to myocardial perfusion imaging. Cardiac CT is being cheered on by both radiologists and referring clinicians.
“I’ve never seen a year in cardiac MR as I’ve seen in cardiac CT,” said Dr. Richard D. White, head of cardiovascular imaging at the Cleveland Clinic. “It’s taken off very, very rapidly.”
Electron-beam technology clearly is responsible for showing what CT can do when it images fast enough to stop cardiac motion. But credit for the enthusiasm that propels the field today lies with multidetector spiral CT, along with three-dimensional reconstruction technology, according to Dr. Lawrence M. Boxt, cardiovascular imaging chief at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City.
“It allowed radiologists who were doing conventional CT to start doing cardiac CT. They didn’t have to buy a machine just for one organ,” he said. “With very fast scanners and the new 3-D reconstruction technology for handling stacks and stacks of data in a convenient manner, people started seeing the coronary arteries-and started thinking about going after them.”
While researchers are most excited about their progress in CT coronary angiography and intrigued by the possibility of perfusion imaging, other applications of cardiac CT have already become part of routine clinical practice. In some cases, CT is taking work away from established forms of cardiac imaging.
MR, for example, is being elbowed aside (see sidebar) as CT takes over the evaluation of large aneurysms of the thoracic aorta, particularly when stent-graft therapy is likely. Imaging to determine whether chest pain results from an abnormal pericardium is another example of an exam MR is ceding to CT, as is the initial evaluation of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia.
“It’s now commonplace for us to first screen for arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia with CT, rather than MR, because we can quickly detect the likelihood of significant muscle disease of the right heart,” White said. “The first line of diagnostic workup in our institution is becoming CT. Then we go to MR when needed and do a more tailored examination.”
CT may also provide a noninvasive alternative to intravascular ultrasound in evaluating patients for transplant vasculopathy, and it is ideal for guiding certain electrophysiologic procedures, such as catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. Often the source of the arrhythmia can be found at the opening of the pulmonary vein. CT can help determine which patients are good candidates for ablation by defining the size of that vessel and the pattern of its side branches. Providing guidance during electrophysiologic procedures is also a role CT could claim in the future, White said.
Coronary CTA: No Joke
When talk turns to noninvasive coronary angiography, CT is increasingly the subject matter. Many imagers say they have all but given up on MRA of the coronaries.
“I don’t do coronary MRs anymore. It’s just too time-consuming, and I can’t get a straight answer,” Boxt said.
Instead, he is one of several researchers fueling a flurry of studies into coronary CTA. Boxt expected to begin a study in October comparing CTA with conventional angiography in patients already scheduled for the cath lab. Even before that, he and his colleagues were performing coronary CTA under certain circumstances, such as the evaluation of coronary artery anomalies or low-likelihood stenoses. Boxt said he once considered cardiac CT a joke, but he has been impressed by the results.
“The pictures are just spectacular. When you electrocardiograph-gate, you see everything: the entire course of the right coronary artery, the left main becoming the circumflex, the anterior descending, and side branches,” he said. “We’re seeing incredible detail.”
Dr. Tom Brady, director of the cardiac imaging program at Massachusetts General Hospital, is a little more reserved in his praise of coronary CTA. At press time, he and his colleagues had compared the results of coronary CTA and conventional angiography in about 30 patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease. Early results suggested CTA’s overall sensitivity for coronary artery stenoses was in the range of 70%: better in the proximal portions of the coronary arteries and worse in the distal segments. The right coronary artery can also present a challenge, because it moves out of the plane of acquisition as the heart beats.
“CTA is coming along nicely, but it still needs more work. We need to decrease the temporal resolution of the acquisition and improve a couple of other technical parameters before it’s going to give us a great study every time from the coronary ostia all the way down to the apex. But I’m very bullish on it,” Brady said.
Not everyone is convinced of a clinical role for coronary CTA. Dr. William Stanford, a professor of chest and cardiovascular imaging at the University of Iowa, believes that a patient who has a high score on coronary calcium screening, for example, should probably have a nuclear stress test to look for perfusion defects caused by flow-limiting stenoses.
“That individual probably ought to go to cath, not only to define the anatomy, but also because you can do balloon angioplasty at the same time. I’m having trouble finding where CT angiography—though it’s talked about a lot—has a big clinical use,” he said.
White holds the opposite view. Even if it takes several years for CTA to fully overcome its limitations, its potential value remains high, he said. Just being able to tell clinicians that proximal arterial segments are clear may be enough to eliminate unnecessary conventional angiography in many cases, saving the patient from an invasive procedure and reducing healthcare costs.
“We don’t necessarily have to shoot for the stars to have an impact,” White said.
Soft Plaque
The proper role of coronary calcium screening in determining the risk of heart disease has been controversial and remains hotly debated. The subject is the center of a technological tug-of-war between electron-beam and multidetector technology. Just as studies increasingly supported its value as a cardiovascular risk factor, the attention of clinicians and researchers shifted to the identification of soft plaque.
Many researchers are observing what they believe to be soft plaque on CTA images. Since soft plaque does not show up on conventional angiography and is more likely to be unstable than calcified plaque, this finding has sparked intense interest. So far, CTA can’t reliably determine which soft plaques are stable and which are likely to rupture and cause a heart attack, but research is moving in that direction.
“Detecting segmental enlargement of the coronary artery and the presence of soft plaque is a pretty ominous sign, and we’re able to pick up on that even now,” White said. “I think we can get a hint of a less-than-desirable situation-one that hasn’t presented with symptoms yet-and maybe use this to monitor therapies directed at plaque progression.”
Perfusion Imaging
Mention myocardial perfusion imaging and CT in the same sentence, and the typical response is a blend of interest and skepticism. Dr. Ting-Yim Lee plans to turn skeptics into believers.
“CT perfusion imaging is here already. We can calculate blood flow maps in an ischemic model, and where you expect the ischemia to be, it’s there,” said Lee, a Ph.D. researcher at the John P. Robarts Research Institute and the Lawson Health Research Institute, both in London, Ontario. “The challenge facing us is to prove to the world that it really works.”
Lee has developed a method to quantify myocardial blood flow and distribution volume using contrast-enhanced multidetector CT. The results, displayed in pseudocolor maps, show perfusion defects and reveal the presence of infarcted tissue. But they also take advantage of CT’s spatial resolution to suggest whether the infarction is transmural or extends only partway through the myocardium. That’s something PET, perfusion imaging’s gold standard, can’t do.
“I’m very excited about this,” Lee said. “We’re using an ordinary CT scanner, we are injecting contrast using standard techniques that CT techs use day in and day out, and the time of scanning is less than 30 seconds. And out of that you get all this information.”
So far, Lee and his colleagues have studied dogs with experimentally induced ischemia, but they anticipate beginning studies in human heart patients next year.
The perfusion imaging protocol teams a four-slice multidetector CT scanner, ECG gating, and retrospective reconstruction of projection data selected from the end diastolic phase of the heart cycle, when the heart is nearly motionless. Perfusion studies are done following an intravenous injection of contrast. CT tracks the rate at which contrast passes through the aorta into the myocardial capillary network and then through various regions of the myocardium. From these two pieces of data, separate software that Lee has developed and licensed to GE Medical Systems-known as CT Perfusion 2-calculates blood flow, blood volume, mean transit time, and leakage of contrast from the capillaries into the myocardial interstitial space, and then creates a pseudocolor perfusion map.
For determining myocardial distribution volume, CT scanning is done first without contrast, then again after a continuous 30 to 60-minute infusion. Baseline images are subtracted from contrast-enhanced, steady-state images. An above-normal distribution volume would indicate the breakdown of myocardial cell membranes and leakage of contrast into the intracellular space, a sign of myocardial infarction. CT’s spatial resolution is high enough to show whether the increased distribution volume-and, hence, the infarct-extends through the myocardial wall.
Lee’s next step will be to validate his blood flow measurements against those determined with radiolabeled microspheres that have a diameter of about 15 micron-just large enough to pass through the coronary arteries and lodge in the myocardial capillaries. Assuming these animal studies go well, Lee plans to validate his technique in humans using PET as the quantitative gold standard.
White and his colleagues have had some success with CT perfusion imaging, detecting a few cases of myocardial infarction from perfusion defects observed while conducting contrast-enhanced CT of suspected aortic dissection. Still, he is convinced that CT perfusion imaging must overcome several obstacles before it can be accepted clinically. Lee’s technique requires slowing the heart rate to 60 to 80 bpm by administering medications like beta blockers, something that White prefers to avoid in sick patients. In addition, improvements in contrast agents that would enable them to pass less quickly through the coronary circulation would be helpful, he said.
“You can’t overlook some of the limitations of CT, including its speed. It’s not so fast that you can necessarily appreciate a first-pass effect, which is what is needed, given the agents at hand,” White said.
The imaging industry is advancing quickly to give researchers increasingly sophisticated tools, developing scanners capable of acquiring eight to 16 simultaneous slices of imaging data. In what could be an even bigger technological leap, volume CT systems are under development.
“Within the next five years we’re going to see the next generation of CT going the extra length,” White said. “I think we’re really seeing a new CT.”
“I don’t do coronary MRs anymore. It’s just too time-consuming, and I can’t get a straight answer,”
-- compare to other modalities Cardiac CT imaging is leading now on.. hey,its not because im doing my master thesis in this area.. read an article below.. :D
its so great when u use the 64 slices CT.. I've tried once... so so so fast !
'It’s taken off very, very rapidly. don't blink ! :p '
Radiologists find that quickest way to a patient’s heart is through a CT scanner gantry
By Catherine Carrington
For anyone keeping an eye on advances in cardiac CT, don’t blink. Once dominated by coronary calcium screening and weighed down by controversy, cardiac CT has gotten a second wind, racing past technological obstacles and impressing former skeptics with its clinical promise.
Early research suggests that CT could become the preferred tool for noninvasive angiography, differentiate soft atherosclerotic plaque from its less vulnerable calcified form, and perhaps add a new dimension to myocardial perfusion imaging. Cardiac CT is being cheered on by both radiologists and referring clinicians.
“I’ve never seen a year in cardiac MR as I’ve seen in cardiac CT,” said Dr. Richard D. White, head of cardiovascular imaging at the Cleveland Clinic. “It’s taken off very, very rapidly.”
Electron-beam technology clearly is responsible for showing what CT can do when it images fast enough to stop cardiac motion. But credit for the enthusiasm that propels the field today lies with multidetector spiral CT, along with three-dimensional reconstruction technology, according to Dr. Lawrence M. Boxt, cardiovascular imaging chief at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City.
“It allowed radiologists who were doing conventional CT to start doing cardiac CT. They didn’t have to buy a machine just for one organ,” he said. “With very fast scanners and the new 3-D reconstruction technology for handling stacks and stacks of data in a convenient manner, people started seeing the coronary arteries-and started thinking about going after them.”
While researchers are most excited about their progress in CT coronary angiography and intrigued by the possibility of perfusion imaging, other applications of cardiac CT have already become part of routine clinical practice. In some cases, CT is taking work away from established forms of cardiac imaging.
MR, for example, is being elbowed aside (see sidebar) as CT takes over the evaluation of large aneurysms of the thoracic aorta, particularly when stent-graft therapy is likely. Imaging to determine whether chest pain results from an abnormal pericardium is another example of an exam MR is ceding to CT, as is the initial evaluation of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia.
“It’s now commonplace for us to first screen for arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia with CT, rather than MR, because we can quickly detect the likelihood of significant muscle disease of the right heart,” White said. “The first line of diagnostic workup in our institution is becoming CT. Then we go to MR when needed and do a more tailored examination.”
CT may also provide a noninvasive alternative to intravascular ultrasound in evaluating patients for transplant vasculopathy, and it is ideal for guiding certain electrophysiologic procedures, such as catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. Often the source of the arrhythmia can be found at the opening of the pulmonary vein. CT can help determine which patients are good candidates for ablation by defining the size of that vessel and the pattern of its side branches. Providing guidance during electrophysiologic procedures is also a role CT could claim in the future, White said.
Coronary CTA: No Joke
When talk turns to noninvasive coronary angiography, CT is increasingly the subject matter. Many imagers say they have all but given up on MRA of the coronaries.
“I don’t do coronary MRs anymore. It’s just too time-consuming, and I can’t get a straight answer,” Boxt said.
Instead, he is one of several researchers fueling a flurry of studies into coronary CTA. Boxt expected to begin a study in October comparing CTA with conventional angiography in patients already scheduled for the cath lab. Even before that, he and his colleagues were performing coronary CTA under certain circumstances, such as the evaluation of coronary artery anomalies or low-likelihood stenoses. Boxt said he once considered cardiac CT a joke, but he has been impressed by the results.
“The pictures are just spectacular. When you electrocardiograph-gate, you see everything: the entire course of the right coronary artery, the left main becoming the circumflex, the anterior descending, and side branches,” he said. “We’re seeing incredible detail.”
Dr. Tom Brady, director of the cardiac imaging program at Massachusetts General Hospital, is a little more reserved in his praise of coronary CTA. At press time, he and his colleagues had compared the results of coronary CTA and conventional angiography in about 30 patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease. Early results suggested CTA’s overall sensitivity for coronary artery stenoses was in the range of 70%: better in the proximal portions of the coronary arteries and worse in the distal segments. The right coronary artery can also present a challenge, because it moves out of the plane of acquisition as the heart beats.
“CTA is coming along nicely, but it still needs more work. We need to decrease the temporal resolution of the acquisition and improve a couple of other technical parameters before it’s going to give us a great study every time from the coronary ostia all the way down to the apex. But I’m very bullish on it,” Brady said.
Not everyone is convinced of a clinical role for coronary CTA. Dr. William Stanford, a professor of chest and cardiovascular imaging at the University of Iowa, believes that a patient who has a high score on coronary calcium screening, for example, should probably have a nuclear stress test to look for perfusion defects caused by flow-limiting stenoses.
“That individual probably ought to go to cath, not only to define the anatomy, but also because you can do balloon angioplasty at the same time. I’m having trouble finding where CT angiography—though it’s talked about a lot—has a big clinical use,” he said.
White holds the opposite view. Even if it takes several years for CTA to fully overcome its limitations, its potential value remains high, he said. Just being able to tell clinicians that proximal arterial segments are clear may be enough to eliminate unnecessary conventional angiography in many cases, saving the patient from an invasive procedure and reducing healthcare costs.
“We don’t necessarily have to shoot for the stars to have an impact,” White said.
Soft Plaque
The proper role of coronary calcium screening in determining the risk of heart disease has been controversial and remains hotly debated. The subject is the center of a technological tug-of-war between electron-beam and multidetector technology. Just as studies increasingly supported its value as a cardiovascular risk factor, the attention of clinicians and researchers shifted to the identification of soft plaque.
Many researchers are observing what they believe to be soft plaque on CTA images. Since soft plaque does not show up on conventional angiography and is more likely to be unstable than calcified plaque, this finding has sparked intense interest. So far, CTA can’t reliably determine which soft plaques are stable and which are likely to rupture and cause a heart attack, but research is moving in that direction.
“Detecting segmental enlargement of the coronary artery and the presence of soft plaque is a pretty ominous sign, and we’re able to pick up on that even now,” White said. “I think we can get a hint of a less-than-desirable situation-one that hasn’t presented with symptoms yet-and maybe use this to monitor therapies directed at plaque progression.”
Perfusion Imaging
Mention myocardial perfusion imaging and CT in the same sentence, and the typical response is a blend of interest and skepticism. Dr. Ting-Yim Lee plans to turn skeptics into believers.
“CT perfusion imaging is here already. We can calculate blood flow maps in an ischemic model, and where you expect the ischemia to be, it’s there,” said Lee, a Ph.D. researcher at the John P. Robarts Research Institute and the Lawson Health Research Institute, both in London, Ontario. “The challenge facing us is to prove to the world that it really works.”
Lee has developed a method to quantify myocardial blood flow and distribution volume using contrast-enhanced multidetector CT. The results, displayed in pseudocolor maps, show perfusion defects and reveal the presence of infarcted tissue. But they also take advantage of CT’s spatial resolution to suggest whether the infarction is transmural or extends only partway through the myocardium. That’s something PET, perfusion imaging’s gold standard, can’t do.
“I’m very excited about this,” Lee said. “We’re using an ordinary CT scanner, we are injecting contrast using standard techniques that CT techs use day in and day out, and the time of scanning is less than 30 seconds. And out of that you get all this information.”
So far, Lee and his colleagues have studied dogs with experimentally induced ischemia, but they anticipate beginning studies in human heart patients next year.
The perfusion imaging protocol teams a four-slice multidetector CT scanner, ECG gating, and retrospective reconstruction of projection data selected from the end diastolic phase of the heart cycle, when the heart is nearly motionless. Perfusion studies are done following an intravenous injection of contrast. CT tracks the rate at which contrast passes through the aorta into the myocardial capillary network and then through various regions of the myocardium. From these two pieces of data, separate software that Lee has developed and licensed to GE Medical Systems-known as CT Perfusion 2-calculates blood flow, blood volume, mean transit time, and leakage of contrast from the capillaries into the myocardial interstitial space, and then creates a pseudocolor perfusion map.
For determining myocardial distribution volume, CT scanning is done first without contrast, then again after a continuous 30 to 60-minute infusion. Baseline images are subtracted from contrast-enhanced, steady-state images. An above-normal distribution volume would indicate the breakdown of myocardial cell membranes and leakage of contrast into the intracellular space, a sign of myocardial infarction. CT’s spatial resolution is high enough to show whether the increased distribution volume-and, hence, the infarct-extends through the myocardial wall.
Lee’s next step will be to validate his blood flow measurements against those determined with radiolabeled microspheres that have a diameter of about 15 micron-just large enough to pass through the coronary arteries and lodge in the myocardial capillaries. Assuming these animal studies go well, Lee plans to validate his technique in humans using PET as the quantitative gold standard.
White and his colleagues have had some success with CT perfusion imaging, detecting a few cases of myocardial infarction from perfusion defects observed while conducting contrast-enhanced CT of suspected aortic dissection. Still, he is convinced that CT perfusion imaging must overcome several obstacles before it can be accepted clinically. Lee’s technique requires slowing the heart rate to 60 to 80 bpm by administering medications like beta blockers, something that White prefers to avoid in sick patients. In addition, improvements in contrast agents that would enable them to pass less quickly through the coronary circulation would be helpful, he said.
“You can’t overlook some of the limitations of CT, including its speed. It’s not so fast that you can necessarily appreciate a first-pass effect, which is what is needed, given the agents at hand,” White said.
The imaging industry is advancing quickly to give researchers increasingly sophisticated tools, developing scanners capable of acquiring eight to 16 simultaneous slices of imaging data. In what could be an even bigger technological leap, volume CT systems are under development.
“Within the next five years we’re going to see the next generation of CT going the extra length,” White said. “I think we’re really seeing a new CT.”
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Anggaran Kesehatan Kompensasi BBM Sering Tidak Tepat
Penggunaan anggaran untuk kesehatan yang bersumber dari alokasi kompensasi kenaikan harga BBM sering tidak tepat sasaran dan banyak pihak yang ikut "bermain" dalam pengadaan peralatan kesehatan yang dibiayai dari dana kompensasi bidang kesehatan.
Demikian salah satu intisari Bincang Malam bertema "Mencermati Alokasi Anggaran untuk Kesehatan Rakyat" yang diselenggaran TVRI Stasiun Pusat Jakarta, Selasa (1/3) malam. Perbincangan menghadirkan Anggota Komisi IX (bidang kesehatan) Tamsil Linrung, pengamat kesehatan Sulastri dan Ketua Yayasan Pemberdayaan Konsumen Kesehatan Indonesia Marius Wijajarta.
Tamsil Linrung menjelaskan, anggaran kesehatan pada APBN 2005 baru mencapai 1%, padahal standard WHO semestinya minimal 5%. Karena itu, keberadaan anggaran tambahan untuk bidang kesehatan dari alokasi kompensasi kenaikan harga BBM amat penting.
Hanya saja penggunaanya harus tepat sasaran dan pengawasan publik harus makin ditingkatkan. Dalam kaitan ini, DPR akan meningkatkan efektivitas pengawasan penggunaan dana kesehatan.
Terkait anggaran kesehatan itu, Sulastri mengungkapkan, selain pengawasan yang harus lebih efektif oleh berbagai pihak, penggunaan anggaran untuk pembelian peralatan kesehatan harus lebih didasarkan pada kebutuhan setiap rumah sakit dan Puskesmas. Artinya, peralatan yang dibeli dari dana alokasi kenaikan harga BBM untuk bidang kesehatan harus dibebaskan dari permainan bisnis dan percaloan.
Ditambahkan, pembelian kesehatan sering diwarnai intervensi bisnis dan KKN oknum anggota DPR dan pejabat di Departemen Kesehatan. Akibat praktek percaloan dan KKN, anggaran kesehatan yang digunakan hanya berkisar 40%, sedangkan sisasinya tidak jelas penggunannya. Selain itu, percaloan dan KKN membuat harga menjadi mahal dan sering tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat.
"Banyak peralatan yang dibeli tidak berfungsi karena tidak sesuai standard kebutuhan rumah sakit atau Puskesmas," kata Sulastri yang juga Direktur Eksekutif Lembaga Pengembangan Etika Masyarakat.
Senada dengan Sulastri, Marius juga mengungkapkan, praktek percaloan dan KKN dalam pembelian peralatan kesehatan dengan dana alokasi kenaikan BBM telah berlangsung lama. Pratek itu merupakan kelanjutan dari praktek yang telah terjadi puluhan tahun lalu. "Peralatan yang benar-benar dibutuhkan kadang tidak ada. Namun datang alat yang sebenarnya tidak terlalu dibutuhkan," katanya.
Reaksi keras
Adanya dugaan permainan dan percaloan dalam pembelian peralatan kesehatan dari luar negri yang dibiayai dari dana kompensasi kenaikan harga BBM mendapat reaksi keras dari anggota Fraksi Partai Demokrat (FPD) Max Sopacua. "Praktek seperti itu harus diakhiri dan diberantas. itu paradigma lama," kata Max kepada pers.
Max menyatakan, DPR periode saat ini merupakan DPR baru yang akan berusaha lebih efektif melakukan pengawasan. Jika ada anggota DPR dan pejabat Depkes yang ikut bermain dalam pengadaan peralatn kesehatan harus diungkap.
Max juga mengatakan, DPR dan semua pihak semestinya melakukan pengawasan penggunaan anggaran kesehatan dengan strategi baru agar pengunannya tepat sasaran dan peralatan yang dibeli pun tepat sasaran.
Di DPR, kata Max, selain pengawasan dilakukan di Komisi IX juga dilakukan Panitia Anggaran. Masyarakat dan LSM juga harus berani mengungkap ketidakberesan dalam penggunaan anggaran kesehatan ini. Di tingkat internal Depkes, pengawasan harus pula ditingkatkan.
"Penyimpangan sekecil apapun harus diungkap dan diusut tuntas. Jangan biarkan dana kesehatan untuk masyarakat miskin tidak tepat sasaran,’ katanya.
Dia yakin, apabila pengawasan ditingkatkan dan perencanaan penggunaan anggaran kesehatan lebih didasarkan pada perencanaan yang baik, alokasi anggaran ini akan tetap sasaran dan praktek masa lalu akan terkikis
Penggunaan anggaran untuk kesehatan yang bersumber dari alokasi kompensasi kenaikan harga BBM sering tidak tepat sasaran dan banyak pihak yang ikut "bermain" dalam pengadaan peralatan kesehatan yang dibiayai dari dana kompensasi bidang kesehatan.
Demikian salah satu intisari Bincang Malam bertema "Mencermati Alokasi Anggaran untuk Kesehatan Rakyat" yang diselenggaran TVRI Stasiun Pusat Jakarta, Selasa (1/3) malam. Perbincangan menghadirkan Anggota Komisi IX (bidang kesehatan) Tamsil Linrung, pengamat kesehatan Sulastri dan Ketua Yayasan Pemberdayaan Konsumen Kesehatan Indonesia Marius Wijajarta.
Tamsil Linrung menjelaskan, anggaran kesehatan pada APBN 2005 baru mencapai 1%, padahal standard WHO semestinya minimal 5%. Karena itu, keberadaan anggaran tambahan untuk bidang kesehatan dari alokasi kompensasi kenaikan harga BBM amat penting.
Hanya saja penggunaanya harus tepat sasaran dan pengawasan publik harus makin ditingkatkan. Dalam kaitan ini, DPR akan meningkatkan efektivitas pengawasan penggunaan dana kesehatan.
Terkait anggaran kesehatan itu, Sulastri mengungkapkan, selain pengawasan yang harus lebih efektif oleh berbagai pihak, penggunaan anggaran untuk pembelian peralatan kesehatan harus lebih didasarkan pada kebutuhan setiap rumah sakit dan Puskesmas. Artinya, peralatan yang dibeli dari dana alokasi kenaikan harga BBM untuk bidang kesehatan harus dibebaskan dari permainan bisnis dan percaloan.
Ditambahkan, pembelian kesehatan sering diwarnai intervensi bisnis dan KKN oknum anggota DPR dan pejabat di Departemen Kesehatan. Akibat praktek percaloan dan KKN, anggaran kesehatan yang digunakan hanya berkisar 40%, sedangkan sisasinya tidak jelas penggunannya. Selain itu, percaloan dan KKN membuat harga menjadi mahal dan sering tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat.
"Banyak peralatan yang dibeli tidak berfungsi karena tidak sesuai standard kebutuhan rumah sakit atau Puskesmas," kata Sulastri yang juga Direktur Eksekutif Lembaga Pengembangan Etika Masyarakat.
Senada dengan Sulastri, Marius juga mengungkapkan, praktek percaloan dan KKN dalam pembelian peralatan kesehatan dengan dana alokasi kenaikan BBM telah berlangsung lama. Pratek itu merupakan kelanjutan dari praktek yang telah terjadi puluhan tahun lalu. "Peralatan yang benar-benar dibutuhkan kadang tidak ada. Namun datang alat yang sebenarnya tidak terlalu dibutuhkan," katanya.
Reaksi keras
Adanya dugaan permainan dan percaloan dalam pembelian peralatan kesehatan dari luar negri yang dibiayai dari dana kompensasi kenaikan harga BBM mendapat reaksi keras dari anggota Fraksi Partai Demokrat (FPD) Max Sopacua. "Praktek seperti itu harus diakhiri dan diberantas. itu paradigma lama," kata Max kepada pers.
Max menyatakan, DPR periode saat ini merupakan DPR baru yang akan berusaha lebih efektif melakukan pengawasan. Jika ada anggota DPR dan pejabat Depkes yang ikut bermain dalam pengadaan peralatn kesehatan harus diungkap.
Max juga mengatakan, DPR dan semua pihak semestinya melakukan pengawasan penggunaan anggaran kesehatan dengan strategi baru agar pengunannya tepat sasaran dan peralatan yang dibeli pun tepat sasaran.
Di DPR, kata Max, selain pengawasan dilakukan di Komisi IX juga dilakukan Panitia Anggaran. Masyarakat dan LSM juga harus berani mengungkap ketidakberesan dalam penggunaan anggaran kesehatan ini. Di tingkat internal Depkes, pengawasan harus pula ditingkatkan.
"Penyimpangan sekecil apapun harus diungkap dan diusut tuntas. Jangan biarkan dana kesehatan untuk masyarakat miskin tidak tepat sasaran,’ katanya.
Dia yakin, apabila pengawasan ditingkatkan dan perencanaan penggunaan anggaran kesehatan lebih didasarkan pada perencanaan yang baik, alokasi anggaran ini akan tetap sasaran dan praktek masa lalu akan terkikis
Friday, February 25, 2005
Pentingnya IPAL Rumah Sakit
link dari republika :
Dari 26 Rumah Sakit (RS) yang berada di Kotamadya Jakarta Timur, baru 20 RS yang memiliki Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL). "Ini artinya, enam rumah sakit lainnya beresiko untuk mencemari lingkungan, akibat limbah mereka," Selain itu, ungkap Utomo, baru 14 RS yang memiliki dokumen. "Dan yang telah mengimplementasikan dokumen tersebut hanya sembilan rumah sakit saja," jelasnya. Ia juga menambahkan 18 RS telah memiliki insenerator. Namun, katanya, insenerator tersebut belum ada yang kerjanya benar-benar baik.
More about IPAL :
Kendati Departemen Kesehatan telah menyusun Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) untuk mengukur kualitas pelayanan kesehatan dasar yang salah satunya adalah kewajiban rumah sakit dan Puskesmas untuk mengolah limbahnya. Namun Menkes mengakui bahwa penerapannya masih belum baik. Berdasarkan hasil assesment tahun 2002, diketahui bahwa baru 49 % dari 1.176 rumah sakit (526 rumah sakit pemerintah dan 652 rumah sakit milik swasta) di 30 provinsi, baru 648 RS yang memiliki incinerator dan 36% memiliki IPAL (Instalasi Pengolah Air Limbah) dengan kondisi sebagian diantaranya tidak berfungsi
How IPAL works ?
case : RS St.Carolus
Incinerator: Tempat Pembakaran.
JP III: Jasa Pihak ke-3.
limbah non medis ini terbagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu limbah basah dan limbah kering. Limbah basah bisa berupa sisa-sisa sayuran, makanan, sisa nasi, dan sebagainya. Limbah ini kemudian bisa dimanfaatkan untuk makanan ternak. Sementara untuk limbah kering, jika masih bisa dimanfaatkan atau dijual, maka akan dijual, seperti kardus-kardus bekas dan sebagainya. Tapi untuk yang tidak bisa dijual, maka sebaiknya langsung dibakar.
Sementara limbah medis terdiri dari infeksius dan non infeksius. Limbah infeksius non cair biasanya langsung dibakar. Misalnya jarum suntik, pisau bekas operasi, bekas perban, infus dan sebagainya. Sementara yang cair akan masuk pada IPAL. Limbah non infeksius sendiri akan dipilah secara selektif. Yang cair tentu saja masuk IPAL. Yang non cair, jika bisa didaur ulang, maka akan di daur ulang. Untuk yang tidak bisa di daur ulang akan langsung dibakar.
untuk membangun IPAL di RS Carolus dibutuhkan biaya sekitar 1,5 milyar!!. Biaya besar ini terhitung cost saja, tanpa keuntungan secara materiil. Tetapi jika tidak membangun IPAL, maka kesehatan lingkungan hidup terancam
Limbah berbahaya ini bukan semata yang cair saja, melainkan juga yang padat. “Misalnya jarum suntik, pisau bekas operasi, botol-botol bekas, sisa bahan makanan penderita infeksius, perban dan lain-lain itu harus secara jelas dibedakan, lalu segera dimusnahkan atau dibakar,” “Sebab jika diambil alih pemulung, atau orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab, bisa runyam..
Sementara mengenai limbah cair “Limbah laundry bisa infeksius karena mengandung cairan darah, atau sisa urine. Begitu juga dengan bahan-bahan spesimen lainnya yang berbentuk cair. Bisa infeksius, terutama dari orang-orang yang menderita penyakit menular.”
ada beberapa jenis pengelolaan IPAL. Yaitu Sistem Aerob/Bioreaktor, Sistem UnAerob, dan Sistem Founding.
Sistem Aerob adalah sistem yang membutuhkan banyak oksigen, dan dilakukan di lahan terbuka sehingga mempermudah pengontrolan. Keuntungannya antara lain, lahan yang digunakan sempit, lumpur yang dihasilkan sedikit, bahan kimia yang dipergunakan juga sedikit, dan pemakaian listrik minimal. Proses pengolahan waktu pada sistem aerob adalah empat hingga enam jam.
Sistem Unaerob adalah sistem yang tidak membutuhkan oksiogen. Oleh karenanya dilakukan di ruangan tertutup. Lahan yang dibutuhkan Unaerob cukup luas. Sayangnya, jika ada kebocoran sulit dikontrol (pengawasan lebih sulit). Selain itu, jika terjadi kebocoran, bau sulit dicegah dan jumlah lumpur yang harus dibuang cukup banyak. Keuntungannya, dari segi estetika unaerob lebih unggul, karena limbah tak terlihat dan disimpan di bawah tanah (semacam septic tank).
Sedangkan sistem founding adalah sistem yang membutuhkan lahan luas. Pross pengendapan dan penguraian biologis membutuhkan waktu yang lama, karena dilakukan secara alami. Dalam founding, proses pengolahan antara empat hari hingga seminggu.
Dari 26 Rumah Sakit (RS) yang berada di Kotamadya Jakarta Timur, baru 20 RS yang memiliki Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL). "Ini artinya, enam rumah sakit lainnya beresiko untuk mencemari lingkungan, akibat limbah mereka," Selain itu, ungkap Utomo, baru 14 RS yang memiliki dokumen. "Dan yang telah mengimplementasikan dokumen tersebut hanya sembilan rumah sakit saja," jelasnya. Ia juga menambahkan 18 RS telah memiliki insenerator. Namun, katanya, insenerator tersebut belum ada yang kerjanya benar-benar baik.
More about IPAL :
Kendati Departemen Kesehatan telah menyusun Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) untuk mengukur kualitas pelayanan kesehatan dasar yang salah satunya adalah kewajiban rumah sakit dan Puskesmas untuk mengolah limbahnya. Namun Menkes mengakui bahwa penerapannya masih belum baik. Berdasarkan hasil assesment tahun 2002, diketahui bahwa baru 49 % dari 1.176 rumah sakit (526 rumah sakit pemerintah dan 652 rumah sakit milik swasta) di 30 provinsi, baru 648 RS yang memiliki incinerator dan 36% memiliki IPAL (Instalasi Pengolah Air Limbah) dengan kondisi sebagian diantaranya tidak berfungsi
How IPAL works ?
case : RS St.Carolus
Incinerator: Tempat Pembakaran.
JP III: Jasa Pihak ke-3.
limbah non medis ini terbagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu limbah basah dan limbah kering. Limbah basah bisa berupa sisa-sisa sayuran, makanan, sisa nasi, dan sebagainya. Limbah ini kemudian bisa dimanfaatkan untuk makanan ternak. Sementara untuk limbah kering, jika masih bisa dimanfaatkan atau dijual, maka akan dijual, seperti kardus-kardus bekas dan sebagainya. Tapi untuk yang tidak bisa dijual, maka sebaiknya langsung dibakar.
Sementara limbah medis terdiri dari infeksius dan non infeksius. Limbah infeksius non cair biasanya langsung dibakar. Misalnya jarum suntik, pisau bekas operasi, bekas perban, infus dan sebagainya. Sementara yang cair akan masuk pada IPAL. Limbah non infeksius sendiri akan dipilah secara selektif. Yang cair tentu saja masuk IPAL. Yang non cair, jika bisa didaur ulang, maka akan di daur ulang. Untuk yang tidak bisa di daur ulang akan langsung dibakar.
untuk membangun IPAL di RS Carolus dibutuhkan biaya sekitar 1,5 milyar!!. Biaya besar ini terhitung cost saja, tanpa keuntungan secara materiil. Tetapi jika tidak membangun IPAL, maka kesehatan lingkungan hidup terancam
Limbah berbahaya ini bukan semata yang cair saja, melainkan juga yang padat. “Misalnya jarum suntik, pisau bekas operasi, botol-botol bekas, sisa bahan makanan penderita infeksius, perban dan lain-lain itu harus secara jelas dibedakan, lalu segera dimusnahkan atau dibakar,” “Sebab jika diambil alih pemulung, atau orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab, bisa runyam..
Sementara mengenai limbah cair “Limbah laundry bisa infeksius karena mengandung cairan darah, atau sisa urine. Begitu juga dengan bahan-bahan spesimen lainnya yang berbentuk cair. Bisa infeksius, terutama dari orang-orang yang menderita penyakit menular.”
ada beberapa jenis pengelolaan IPAL. Yaitu Sistem Aerob/Bioreaktor, Sistem UnAerob, dan Sistem Founding.
Sistem Aerob adalah sistem yang membutuhkan banyak oksigen, dan dilakukan di lahan terbuka sehingga mempermudah pengontrolan. Keuntungannya antara lain, lahan yang digunakan sempit, lumpur yang dihasilkan sedikit, bahan kimia yang dipergunakan juga sedikit, dan pemakaian listrik minimal. Proses pengolahan waktu pada sistem aerob adalah empat hingga enam jam.
Sistem Unaerob adalah sistem yang tidak membutuhkan oksiogen. Oleh karenanya dilakukan di ruangan tertutup. Lahan yang dibutuhkan Unaerob cukup luas. Sayangnya, jika ada kebocoran sulit dikontrol (pengawasan lebih sulit). Selain itu, jika terjadi kebocoran, bau sulit dicegah dan jumlah lumpur yang harus dibuang cukup banyak. Keuntungannya, dari segi estetika unaerob lebih unggul, karena limbah tak terlihat dan disimpan di bawah tanah (semacam septic tank).
Sedangkan sistem founding adalah sistem yang membutuhkan lahan luas. Pross pengendapan dan penguraian biologis membutuhkan waktu yang lama, karena dilakukan secara alami. Dalam founding, proses pengolahan antara empat hari hingga seminggu.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Application Specialist Training 15-18 Feb 05 -- SiemensLife
Siemens LIFE
So.. What is this animal ? and what an application specialist do with that ?
Siemens said : Life provides exactly what customers need to get the most out of their investment throughout its lifecycle. With seven key programs that support the continuous development of customer skills and customer products. Enabling them to take technology further. Profitability higher. And patient care to the next level. Itôs the framework for helping our customers meet their clinical and business objectives.
I said : with Life they just integrated customer care division.. all for one, before 2003, each BU has their own CC division and their own programs (SomatomLife, MagnetomWorld, USBridge).. with this Life they want to integrate all of it..so nothing new here.. as Costumer Care solution it still consist of common thing in CC division : consists of programs and after sales services...
so , of course one part of the programs is the EDUCATE.
Applications training is one way for transfering what clinician should know in order to optimize using those expensive instruments in daily clinical application. Its not make sense to give a sophisticated - modern toy to a boy, without telling him what he can do with it.. right ? ;p thus,clinician and doctors will be thoroughly trained in the use of new CT scanner to make sure that they gain maximum benefits from investment they made.
And thats what an application specialist exactly do !
They meet the costumer and travel around as well as the sales marketing guys do.. they understand how basically the instrument works as well as the physic-application guys do.. they concern about how the instrument's doing in the clinic/hospital as the clinician do.. and one thing: they care about the patient, as the doctor do !
well,.. actually that's too much.. :p
but to become an application specialist means, possibility to learn a lot of thing, get in touch with latest improvement in the instrument and get sympathy from clinician and doctor.. well, u teach them how to get the most from the instrument.. (they loves application specialist more than sales guys.. :p)
like we always said.. learn it, apply it and share it.. thats what a knowledge stands for ! :)
Sunday, February 13, 2005
GE MEdical System and SixSIGMA
Hari gini blm pernah denger Six SIgma ? sama.. :p
image src:http://www.smallpeice.co.uk
but think about it.. how does it looks like.. when SIx sigma meets a huge great medical company like GE Medical System ? we know they are already have their own 'Work Out' system .--- as 'Proven Outcomes' for Siemen'.. why must they adopt this six sigma ?
read this : http://savelives.gecareers.com/abtus_cf6sigma.html
Imagine a quality initiative so ambitious, its goal is to achieve perfection -- to be 99.9996% defect-free in every product, service, process and technology throughout a company. Through Six Sigma, that company is GE. And through Six Sigma, GE Medical Systems continues to set itself apart from the competition by maintaining an unparalleled dedication to absolute customer satisfaction.
What is Six Sigma?
Six Sigma is a rigorous quality initiative -- a highly disciplined process designed to reduce defects and drive improvements throughout our business. To meet our goal of near perfection, we employ many Six Sigma tools -- gathering "voice of the customers," SIPOC process mapping, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Design of Experiment (DOE) -- which all GE Medical Systems employees become equipped with through intensive training.
Six Sigma quality is more than a goal. It's a commitment woven deeply into the fabric of everything we do. We embrace change and welcome every opportunity to better serve our customers in ways they can see, feel and measure. We strive to achieve Six Sigma quality by making sure our products are exactly what our customers want. And by making sure we deliver the highest standards of performance against any and all measurements.
Six Sigma involves an intense sharing of ideas, and thus builds upon an earlier GE initiative known as "Work-Out™." Beyond identifying and implementing "best practices," however, Six Sigma creates a culture with unlimited capacity to improve every GE Medical Systems product, service and technology.
A Six Sigma breakthrough in GE
The introduction of Six Sigma sparked an incredible energy in our people at GE Medical Systems, and its effects were tangible from the outset.
image src:http://news.bbc.co.uk/
GE Medical Systems led the way among GE businesses in seeing that our customers benefit from Six Sigma. Our 1998 introduction of LightSpeed™, our revolutionary Computed Tomography system, was GE's first product completely "Designed For Six Sigma" (DFSS).
Clearly, our customer focused Six Sigma efforts are achieving their goals -- customer reaction to LightSpeed has been unprecedented, with new orders for the system coming in at a rate six times faster than any product we have ever introduced.
"There is an infinite capacity to improve everything " -- Jack Welch GE Chairman.
image src:http://www.smallpeice.co.uk
but think about it.. how does it looks like.. when SIx sigma meets a huge great medical company like GE Medical System ? we know they are already have their own 'Work Out' system .--- as 'Proven Outcomes' for Siemen'.. why must they adopt this six sigma ?
read this : http://savelives.gecareers.com/abtus_cf6sigma.html
Imagine a quality initiative so ambitious, its goal is to achieve perfection -- to be 99.9996% defect-free in every product, service, process and technology throughout a company. Through Six Sigma, that company is GE. And through Six Sigma, GE Medical Systems continues to set itself apart from the competition by maintaining an unparalleled dedication to absolute customer satisfaction.
What is Six Sigma?
Six Sigma is a rigorous quality initiative -- a highly disciplined process designed to reduce defects and drive improvements throughout our business. To meet our goal of near perfection, we employ many Six Sigma tools -- gathering "voice of the customers," SIPOC process mapping, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Design of Experiment (DOE) -- which all GE Medical Systems employees become equipped with through intensive training.
Six Sigma quality is more than a goal. It's a commitment woven deeply into the fabric of everything we do. We embrace change and welcome every opportunity to better serve our customers in ways they can see, feel and measure. We strive to achieve Six Sigma quality by making sure our products are exactly what our customers want. And by making sure we deliver the highest standards of performance against any and all measurements.
Six Sigma involves an intense sharing of ideas, and thus builds upon an earlier GE initiative known as "Work-Out™." Beyond identifying and implementing "best practices," however, Six Sigma creates a culture with unlimited capacity to improve every GE Medical Systems product, service and technology.
A Six Sigma breakthrough in GE
The introduction of Six Sigma sparked an incredible energy in our people at GE Medical Systems, and its effects were tangible from the outset.
image src:http://news.bbc.co.uk/
GE Medical Systems led the way among GE businesses in seeing that our customers benefit from Six Sigma. Our 1998 introduction of LightSpeed™, our revolutionary Computed Tomography system, was GE's first product completely "Designed For Six Sigma" (DFSS).
Clearly, our customer focused Six Sigma efforts are achieving their goals -- customer reaction to LightSpeed has been unprecedented, with new orders for the system coming in at a rate six times faster than any product we have ever introduced.
"There is an infinite capacity to improve everything " -- Jack Welch GE Chairman.
Friday, February 11, 2005
the ECG signal
just for fun...need to remember all these things again for my thesis report.. :)
The electrocardiogram (ECG) consists of recording the bio-electrical signal of the heart muscles. The heart’s electrical activity is recorded from electrodes on the body surface. ECG is a powerful clinical tool for diagnosing cardiac abnormalities.
The meaning of ECG waves and intervals are here explained.
P-wave: It represents the sequential activation (depolarisation) of the right and left atriums. For normal ECG, the P-wave duration is inferior to 120 ms.
QRS complex: It represents the right and left ventricular depolarisation.
ST - T-wave: This wave represents the ventricular repolarisation.
U-wave: This wave is not always observable and its origin is not clear, but it may represent “afterddepolarisations” in the ventricles.
PR-interval: This is the time interval from onset of atrial depolarisation (P-wave) to onset of ventricular depolarisation (QRS complex).
QRS duration: This is the duration of ventricular muscle depolarisation. It is normally inferior to 100 ms.
QT-interval: It represents the duration of ventricular depolarisation and repolarisation.
RR-interval: It represents the duration of ventricular cardiac cycle. This is an indicator of ventricular rate. For a normal ECG, the heart rate is about 60 - 90 bpm .
PP-interval: It represents the duration of atrial cycle.
I first learn it on my third semester at BME ITB. Thanks to Mrs. Yoke, my favoúrite lecturer..:)
The electrocardiogram (ECG) consists of recording the bio-electrical signal of the heart muscles. The heart’s electrical activity is recorded from electrodes on the body surface. ECG is a powerful clinical tool for diagnosing cardiac abnormalities.
The meaning of ECG waves and intervals are here explained.
P-wave: It represents the sequential activation (depolarisation) of the right and left atriums. For normal ECG, the P-wave duration is inferior to 120 ms.
QRS complex: It represents the right and left ventricular depolarisation.
ST - T-wave: This wave represents the ventricular repolarisation.
U-wave: This wave is not always observable and its origin is not clear, but it may represent “afterddepolarisations” in the ventricles.
PR-interval: This is the time interval from onset of atrial depolarisation (P-wave) to onset of ventricular depolarisation (QRS complex).
QRS duration: This is the duration of ventricular muscle depolarisation. It is normally inferior to 100 ms.
QT-interval: It represents the duration of ventricular depolarisation and repolarisation.
RR-interval: It represents the duration of ventricular cardiac cycle. This is an indicator of ventricular rate. For a normal ECG, the heart rate is about 60 - 90 bpm .
PP-interval: It represents the duration of atrial cycle.
I first learn it on my third semester at BME ITB. Thanks to Mrs. Yoke, my favoúrite lecturer..:)
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Sensation 64
Just imagine if in one second, 64 slices of each 0,75 mm scan your body 3 times !
means : 64x0,75x3 mm/s..depend on the table feed, it could reach more than 15cm per second, and with fine detail..!
not a fan of math ? just see image below : it is from real instrument already installed in several clinics.. (not from the lab lika some company claimed ;) )
"Now we can see small detail"
(Professor Willi A. Kalender, PhD;Clinical expert )
means : 64x0,75x3 mm/s..depend on the table feed, it could reach more than 15cm per second, and with fine detail..!
not a fan of math ? just see image below : it is from real instrument already installed in several clinics.. (not from the lab lika some company claimed ;) )
"Now we can see small detail"
(Professor Willi A. Kalender, PhD;Clinical expert )
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Aspaki : kurangi impor belanja alat kesehatan !!
Pemerintah perlu meningkatkan pembelian produk peralatan kesehatan sebesar Rp. 3 triliun selama lima tahun ke depan, serta mengurangi produk impor yang kini mencapai 60% dari belanja. Ketua Umum Asosiasi Produsen Peralatan Kesehatan Indonesia (Aspaki), Buntoro mengatakan saat ini pemerintah belum menganggap industri peralatan kesehatan sebagai sektor unggulan di dalam negeri, sehingga daya serap di pasar belum maksimal. Seharusnya pemerintah membuat road map bagi sektor peralatan kesehatan, sehingga produk lokal akan bersaing di pasar dalam negeri. Deperindag dan Depkes perlu melakukan kerjasama lintas departemen dan menetapkan kebijakan bersama.
just wondering 3T itu bs dibeliin berapa CT ya .. :D
just wondering 3T itu bs dibeliin berapa CT ya .. :D
Monday, February 07, 2005
Product Sales And Consumer Training, Siemens Erlangen 1- 4 February 2005
how does it look like, when marketing team from around the world gathering in a training... discussing how to sell as much as they can, and beat the competitors as hard as they can ?
IT IS FUN ! hehehe...
Thanks to Mr. Bruder, finally they allowed me to join the PSC Training in Erlangen for CT part. The trainer is Mr. Mathieson -International merketing for CT.
The training divided into 2 parts :
Fisrt part......
theoretical and latest development in CT done by simenes -- They call it THE BULLETS.. :D
interesting part, of course : UFC and Z-sharp technology. 2 sensationl innovative technique sinde the slip rings and the multi slice era.. doing this Z-sharp gives you 0.3 mm detail resolution with dose characteristic as low as 0.6 mm ! amazing.. and also the UFC detector which enables this super velocity scanning happen.. the results ? Rotation time to 0.33, resolution to 0.4 mm and dose ? 66,67% less than ever !!
Second parts...
the real war began... huehehehe.. here explained how to compete with others competitor,.. key selling factors,..the minimum 4 bullets for each products.. competitor's weakness,.. siemens strength.. how to beat them.. how to show costumer: SIemens is.. faster, better, better,faster,better,... cheaper ? wait a sec !.. if only u sell Somatom Spirit u can compete with price,... or perhaps get one from refurbished system with SIEMENS PROVEN OUTCOMES 5 years warranty.. the price then so nice.. :)
after all.. itsnice to join the training.. it is a lot of fun.. and give me clear ideas how is the market for this Biomedical instrument worldwide..
IT IS FUN ! hehehe...
Thanks to Mr. Bruder, finally they allowed me to join the PSC Training in Erlangen for CT part. The trainer is Mr. Mathieson -International merketing for CT.
The training divided into 2 parts :
Fisrt part......
theoretical and latest development in CT done by simenes -- They call it THE BULLETS.. :D
interesting part, of course : UFC and Z-sharp technology. 2 sensationl innovative technique sinde the slip rings and the multi slice era.. doing this Z-sharp gives you 0.3 mm detail resolution with dose characteristic as low as 0.6 mm ! amazing.. and also the UFC detector which enables this super velocity scanning happen.. the results ? Rotation time to 0.33, resolution to 0.4 mm and dose ? 66,67% less than ever !!
Second parts...
the real war began... huehehehe.. here explained how to compete with others competitor,.. key selling factors,..the minimum 4 bullets for each products.. competitor's weakness,.. siemens strength.. how to beat them.. how to show costumer: SIemens is.. faster, better, better,faster,better,... cheaper ? wait a sec !.. if only u sell Somatom Spirit u can compete with price,... or perhaps get one from refurbished system with SIEMENS PROVEN OUTCOMES 5 years warranty.. the price then so nice.. :)
after all.. itsnice to join the training.. it is a lot of fun.. and give me clear ideas how is the market for this Biomedical instrument worldwide..
Friday, February 04, 2005
YPKKIndonesia - dan Jamsosnas
iseng lihat berita : http://berita.kafedago.com/lihatkomentar.asp?beritaid=13735
" Yang sekarang terjadi, begitu pasien masuk, langsung dilakukan pemeriksaan lengkap, memakai peralatan canggih seperti magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), USG (Ultrasonograf) tiga dimensi, computerized tomographic scanner (CT Scanner) dan lain-lain, meski tidak diperlukan. Benarkah rumor seperti itu? Oh iya, hal-hal seperti itu memang terjadi, kata Dr. Marius Widjajarta SE, Ketua Yayasan Pemberdayaan Konsumen Kesehatan Indonesia (YPKKI)...." ---truncated
YPKKI (Yayasan Pemberdayaan Konsumen Kesehatan Indonesia) adalah organisasi non pemerintah, mandiri dan nirlaba yang bercita-cita memberdayakan konsumen kesehatan sehingga mereka dapat memperoleh jasa layanan kesehatan sesuai dengan hak dan kewajibannya.Email: ypkki@yahoo.com
comments :
btw, bagaimanakah perkembangan Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional (Jamsosnas) ??
RUU Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional telah disahkan oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR RI) pada tanggal 28 September, 2004.
Sebuah analisis menarik bisa dibaca di sini : http://www.smeru.or.id/report/workpaper/jamsosnas/Jamsosnasind.pdf
" Yang sekarang terjadi, begitu pasien masuk, langsung dilakukan pemeriksaan lengkap, memakai peralatan canggih seperti magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), USG (Ultrasonograf) tiga dimensi, computerized tomographic scanner (CT Scanner) dan lain-lain, meski tidak diperlukan. Benarkah rumor seperti itu? Oh iya, hal-hal seperti itu memang terjadi, kata Dr. Marius Widjajarta SE, Ketua Yayasan Pemberdayaan Konsumen Kesehatan Indonesia (YPKKI)...." ---truncated
YPKKI (Yayasan Pemberdayaan Konsumen Kesehatan Indonesia) adalah organisasi non pemerintah, mandiri dan nirlaba yang bercita-cita memberdayakan konsumen kesehatan sehingga mereka dapat memperoleh jasa layanan kesehatan sesuai dengan hak dan kewajibannya.Email: ypkki@yahoo.com
comments :
btw, bagaimanakah perkembangan Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional (Jamsosnas) ??
RUU Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional telah disahkan oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR RI) pada tanggal 28 September, 2004.
Sebuah analisis menarik bisa dibaca di sini : http://www.smeru.or.id/report/workpaper/jamsosnas/Jamsosnasind.pdf
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Siemens MED Indonesia
Siemens in Indonesia has provided vital support to public and private hospitals throughout the country by installing all types of medical equipment, ranging from computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging systems to angiographic systems, and from conventional x-ray units and nuclear medicine equipment to life-support systems.
PT Siemens Indonesia
Siemens Business Park
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 58-60
Jakarta 12780 INDONESIA
General Manager : Dr. Stefanus Widananta
Service Manager : Sentot Budihardho
Product :
1. CT Somatom Family : Somatom Smile, Somatom Emotion, Somatom Sensation , including Sensation Cardiac.
2. Angiography AXIOM Family : Artis FC, Artis FA , Artis TA, MultiStar
3. MR Magnetom Family : Magnetom Symphony, Magnetom Harmony, Magnetom Concerto, Magnetom Allegra, Magnetom Rhapsody
4. USG Sonoline Family : Sonoline Omnia, Sonoline Adara, Sonoline G60S, Sonoline Antares,
5. Mobile X-Ray : Polimobil III, Polimobil Plus, Mobillet Plus
6. Radiography / Fluoroscopy System : Multix Compact K , Multix Pro, Multix TOP, Sireskop CX, Iconos,
7. Mobile C -Arm : Siremobil Compact, Siremobil ISO C,
8. Life Support System : Servo Ventilator 300A, Servo inspiration
9. Patient Care System Monitoring : SC 6002XL, SC 7000, SC 8000, SC 9000
10. Lithoripsi LIthostar Family : Modularis , Multiline, Uroskop Access,
11. Mammography : Mammomat 1000,
12. Anesthesia : Kion , Symeon,
Latest Projects :
Siemens received a contract in September 2004 from Pluit Gading Hospital in Jakarta to provide Magnetom avanto systems and Somatom Sensation Cardiac 64 scanners.
PT. Siemens Hearing Instruments, located on Batam island, manufactures hearing instruments for export markets.
Siemens Medical Malaysia
Meditel Electronics Sdn. Bhd.
Meditel Electronics Sdn Bhd, an associated company of Siemens AG, is the representative organization for Siemens Medical Solutions and offers the most advanced technologies in diagnostic and therapeutic medical systems.
When you speak with our expert staff at Meditel, you are speaking with people who understand. You need not have the answers yourself - only the questions. Our IT staff is here to provide consultation, help structure your project, explain the latest healthcare solutions, to ensure that you access appropriate after-sales customer care and continual service. This service includes on-site clinical system familiarization training for physicians, medical specialists, radiographers, technologists - all the personnel who are likely to use the system in order to optimize its contribution potential.
Our service center provides technical advice and support to existing customers, assistance with project planning for new hospitals and the expansion of the existing facilities right up to final commissioning
Company Address:
Meditel Electronics Sdn Bhd
25, Jalan PJS 11/8,
Taman Bandar Sunway
46150 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Mailing Address:
P.O.Box 3047
Pusat Mel Subang Jaya
47509 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel No: (603) 5634 6722
Fax No: (603) 5636 3729
Email address : meditel@sbs.de
Monday, January 17, 2005
Informatika Kedokteran
Cuplikan tulisan dari web site INAHIA Indonesia
Informatika Kedokteran
By admin
Medical informatics is located at the intersecetion of information technology and the different diciplines of medicine and healthcare. Medical Informatics atau Informatika Kedokteran adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari suatu bidang yang terbentuk pada perpotongan ilmu kedokteran/kesehatan dan Teknologi Informatik (Information Technology). Dalam perbincangan penulis dengan pakar Informatika Kedokteran dari Malaysia, dr HM Goh, disebutkan bahwa istilah-istilah seperti ’Informatika Kedokteran’ ’Informatika Kesehatan’ maupun ’e-health’ sebenarnya mempunyai arti yang kurang lebih sama. Secara rinci perkembangan nama / ilmu tersebut bisa dibaca pada file pdf ini
Informatika Kedokteran
By admin
Medical informatics is located at the intersecetion of information technology and the different diciplines of medicine and healthcare. Medical Informatics atau Informatika Kedokteran adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari suatu bidang yang terbentuk pada perpotongan ilmu kedokteran/kesehatan dan Teknologi Informatik (Information Technology). Dalam perbincangan penulis dengan pakar Informatika Kedokteran dari Malaysia, dr HM Goh, disebutkan bahwa istilah-istilah seperti ’Informatika Kedokteran’ ’Informatika Kesehatan’ maupun ’e-health’ sebenarnya mempunyai arti yang kurang lebih sama. Secara rinci perkembangan nama / ilmu tersebut bisa dibaca pada file pdf ini
Monday, January 10, 2005
Emotion 6 scans the Mummy of Tut Ankh Amoun!!
Finally it has happened. The world's most famous mummy has met the world's most successful imaging modality! After almost 2 years of preparations during which I saw the project grow and develop through countless hurdles resulting from technical, financial and political adversities, I am certainly proud to see the efforts of all those who were involved come to fruition with the Siemens Somatom Emotion 6 appearing in newspapers and television news all over the world. And that's only the beginning. Next step will be to interpret the results of the scan in order to unveil the secret of Tut's death. Then one by one each mummy in Egypt will be virtually probed to disclose it's own secrets, collectively providing sciences varying from medicine to anthropology with invaluable information about life and 'after-life' in that old and fascinating civilisation.
The collaboration with the University of Hawaii represented by Prof. DeWolfe Miller and with National Geographic was crucial for the success of this project. Within Siemens Medical I would like to thank Dr. Richard Hausmann and Mr. Claus-Wilhelm Behnke for their trust and support. I would also like to thank Michael Brunner, CTL OM and Helge Radtke, KL CT P, for the great management of the technical/logistical and financial issues that were surely not easy to overcome. Thanks to our colleagues from Siemens Ltd in Cairo as well as the colleagues from IBG, our sales representative in Egypt, who have gone far beyond their reponsibilities, dealing with the great bureaucracies of the egyptian customs and other Egypt-specific challenges that can only be handled the egyptian way?! Thanks to Chad DeGraaff for his time and involvement on the applications side ( too bad that unforeseen delays prevented him from performing the actual scan) and to Doris Pischitz for her great communication skills and her enthusiasm and appreciation of the historical importance of this project. Last but not least I would like to thank Dr. Hany Amer, our applications specialist in Egypt who undertook the big task of actually scanning the king!!
This project has been anything but routine and all mentioned here and many others have proven their flexibility and dedication to get it done. Therefore, once again I am proud to have been part of this project and this team. Attached to this message are some images of the mummy being examined, transported and scanned together with the news article from the Associated Press in case you have not seen it.
At CT we do not only think ahead, we also look back to where we come from, for there could lie the clue to the next step forwards.
May God protect you from the curse of the Pharaohs :-)
Amr El-Hitami
CT-Sales & Marketing Manager
SIEMENS Medical Solutions CTM SP
* Siemensstr.1, 91301 Forchheim, Germany
( + 49-9191-18-8765
Mobile + 49-175 297 4248
Fax + 49-9191-18-9998
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Re-manufacturer company.. Refurbish ? Re Build ?
Like I promise u before.. finally I met Kang Ahya online... langsung tanyain !! :D
... bincang2 dulu macem....
f4hmimn (9:54:34 PM): K'Ahya..ada perusahaan remanufacturer maksudnya gimana ya..?
f4hmimn (9:54:50 PM): beli spare2nya trus dirangkai gitu ?..
a_sodri (9:57:16 PM): bukan... itu namanya refurbish
a_sodri (9:57:38 PM): barang2 bekas.. beberapa spare parts diganti
a_sodri (9:57:56 PM): terus di ajust agar menjadi standard lagi
a_sodri (9:58:06 PM): misal kl CT, tube diganti
a_sodri (9:58:19 PM): detector yg rusak diganti .. dst
f4hmimn (9:58:54 PM): berarti perusahaan yg re manufacturer ini,.. beli barang bekas.. dipermak sana sini trus dijual lagi ?
f4hmimn (9:59:13 PM): kasarnya gitu ya kang
f4hmimn (9:59:46 PM): musti ada lisensi dr yg buat alat ?
a_sodri (10:00:07 PM): tidak perlu....
a_sodri (10:00:18 PM): di amerika sih dah ada peraturanya
a_sodri (10:00:29 PM): kl di jerman/eropa setahu saya bkm ada
f4hmimn (10:00:59 PM): o gitu..
f4hmimn (10:01:17 PM): tp kebanyakan sih saya lihat ya anak2 perusahaan dr prshaan yg buat jg ..
a_sodri (10:01:31 PM): mungkin juga...
f4hmimn (10:01:37 PM): BU sampingan kali ya
f4hmimn (10:01:50 PM): nambah2 profit hehehe
a_sodri (10:01:57 PM): he he he
a_sodri (10:02:04 PM): biasa.. teknik sapu bersih namanya
f4hmimn (10:02:14 PM): maksutnya ?
f4hmimn (10:02:27 PM): semua digarap ?
a_sodri (10:02:39 PM): yah... semua ingin diambil, biar gak ada uang yg lepas
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Medical liability reform USA
Today, US Government plans to limit the amount of money juries can award victims of medical malpractice.. Bush said: "For the sake of affordable and accessible health care in America, we must have a limit on what they call non-economic damages -- I propose a cap of $250,000,".. Government predicted, with no changes in this policy, excessive jury awards will continue to drive up insurance costs, will put good doctors out of business..."these lawyers will sue everybody in sight in order to try to get something,"
Fear of lawsuits has also boosted the cost of health care by leading doctors to practice "defensive medicine," ordering unneeded tests and procedures, Bush said, adding that such practices raise the federal government's health care costs by at least $28 billion a year. link
hummm... just wondering how Indonesian public health policies are.. reminding me to malpractice cases in Indonesia several months ago..about LBH Kedokteran..YLKI Kedokteran..
well, can we really blame the doctor for such a mistakes? (mistake.. not a misprosedural things..or out of authority action )
How to make it balance..? between protect the patient.. and also the doctor !.. we need them, no matter what.. versi depkes.. kalo kita diserang terus maka ilmu kedokteran tidak akan berkembang, dokter2 tidak akan melakukan apa-apa kl kemungkinannya tidak 100% .. Na und ?
Fear of lawsuits has also boosted the cost of health care by leading doctors to practice "defensive medicine," ordering unneeded tests and procedures, Bush said, adding that such practices raise the federal government's health care costs by at least $28 billion a year. link
hummm... just wondering how Indonesian public health policies are.. reminding me to malpractice cases in Indonesia several months ago..about LBH Kedokteran..YLKI Kedokteran..
well, can we really blame the doctor for such a mistakes? (mistake.. not a misprosedural things..or out of authority action )
How to make it balance..? between protect the patient.. and also the doctor !.. we need them, no matter what.. versi depkes.. kalo kita diserang terus maka ilmu kedokteran tidak akan berkembang, dokter2 tidak akan melakukan apa-apa kl kemungkinannya tidak 100% .. Na und ?
MEDICAL IMAGING RCA 04 Category Manufacturer
For Manufacturer companies, best 20 of this year are :
1.Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc
2.GE Healthcare
3.Eastman Kodak Co
4.Philips Medical Systems
5.Medrad Inc
6.Agfa HealthCare
7.FUJIFILM Medical Systems USA
8.Hologic Inc (*)
9.Siemens Display Technologies
10.Toshiba America Medical Systems
11.Varian Medical Systems (*)
12.Cardinal Health (*)
13.Boston Scientific (*)
14.InfiMed Inc (tie) Sony Medical Systems (tie) (*)
15.Dunlee, a division of Philips Medical Systems
16.Mallinckrodt, a division of Tyco Healthcare (tie) R2 Technology Inc (tie) (*)
17.iCAD Inc (*)
18.Merge eFilm (tie) Vital Imaging Inc (tie)
19.Konica Minolta Medical Imaging USA Inc
20.Hitachi Medical Systems America Inc
(*) never heard before --> just for me :D
yuhuu.. congratz Siemens Medical !
This is the company who spends 10% of their sales on research and development, and has received more patents than any other company.. research.. research and research !
old company (since 1877), Internationally spread out (more than 31000 employee).. and manufacture wide range of medical instrumentation (see my blog before)
fyi,.. last year at Medical Imaging RC award, Siemens was in #6 in 2003; #11 in 2002..and now numeru uno.. what a great achievement.. (karena skrg kategorinya dipisah mungkin ya..)
1.Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc
2.GE Healthcare
3.Eastman Kodak Co
4.Philips Medical Systems
5.Medrad Inc
6.Agfa HealthCare
7.FUJIFILM Medical Systems USA
8.Hologic Inc (*)
9.Siemens Display Technologies
10.Toshiba America Medical Systems
11.Varian Medical Systems (*)
12.Cardinal Health (*)
13.Boston Scientific (*)
14.InfiMed Inc (tie) Sony Medical Systems (tie) (*)
15.Dunlee, a division of Philips Medical Systems
16.Mallinckrodt, a division of Tyco Healthcare (tie) R2 Technology Inc (tie) (*)
17.iCAD Inc (*)
18.Merge eFilm (tie) Vital Imaging Inc (tie)
19.Konica Minolta Medical Imaging USA Inc
20.Hitachi Medical Systems America Inc
(*) never heard before --> just for me :D
yuhuu.. congratz Siemens Medical !
This is the company who spends 10% of their sales on research and development, and has received more patents than any other company.. research.. research and research !
old company (since 1877), Internationally spread out (more than 31000 employee).. and manufacture wide range of medical instrumentation (see my blog before)
fyi,.. last year at Medical Imaging RC award, Siemens was in #6 in 2003; #11 in 2002..and now numeru uno.. what a great achievement.. (karena skrg kategorinya dipisah mungkin ya..)
MEDICAL IMAGING Readers Choice Award 2004
"Whos the best in Medical Imaging Industry nowadays ? " Here is the list of top 20 finalists for each category...
Interesting result shown in the "Medical Imaging Readers'choice award 2004", wide combination of big-small,old-new,public-private, domestic-foster a marketplace company.. (not sure what it really means..foster a marketplace? is it to limiting the market, focusing to one special segment ? maybe.. ntar tanya swa aja..:D )
es gibt 3 Kategorien in der Konkurrenz (naon iye, campur2..:p)
2-Accessories, Supplies and Services
3-Dealer, Distributor and Re-manufacturer/Re-builder (Does it mean second hand intruments ? :p ada jg 'pasar' barang bekas alat medik ya.. )
unfortunately, this is only for US market.. I wonder if there's anything like this for the whole world market,.. or at least for europe ? .. it would be nice to see the result.. (ntar deh tanya k'Ahya.. :D)
MEDICAL IMAGING Readers' Choice Awar 2004--
and the winner are :
to be continued aja kali ya..kepenuhan ntar.:D
Interesting result shown in the "Medical Imaging Readers'choice award 2004", wide combination of big-small,old-new,public-private, domestic-foster a marketplace company.. (not sure what it really means..foster a marketplace? is it to limiting the market, focusing to one special segment ? maybe.. ntar tanya swa aja..:D )
es gibt 3 Kategorien in der Konkurrenz (naon iye, campur2..:p)
2-Accessories, Supplies and Services
3-Dealer, Distributor and Re-manufacturer/Re-builder (Does it mean second hand intruments ? :p ada jg 'pasar' barang bekas alat medik ya.. )
unfortunately, this is only for US market.. I wonder if there's anything like this for the whole world market,.. or at least for europe ? .. it would be nice to see the result.. (ntar deh tanya k'Ahya.. :D)
MEDICAL IMAGING Readers' Choice Awar 2004--
and the winner are :
to be continued aja kali ya..kepenuhan ntar.:D
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Siemens Medical Solution
Siemens is a big company.. and make money from several different core of business..one of it.. of course.. Siemens Medical Solution
Siemens Medical itself have several division INSIDE it.. which can be described as follow :
AX Angiography , Fluoroscopic , Radiographic Systems
CO Components
CS Customer Services
CT Computed Tomography --> place where I do my thesis CTE PA
GS Global Solutions
HS Health Services, USA
MR Magnetic Resonance
NM Nuclear Medicine, USA
OCS Oncology Care Systems, USA
RS Refurbished Systems
RV Vacuum Technology
S.A.T Siemens Audiolog. Technik GmbH
SP Special Systems
SW Software Components and Workstations
US Ultrasound, USA
lil bit huge ya ? :)
I think they've been already explained by the name itself.. except for SP... here some description: we @ SP optimize our customers’ workflow with innovative products and solutions in Women’s Health, Surgery and Urology..
kurang lebih gitulah..
, Siemens Medical dikenalkan melalui produk2nya, yang dhasilkan dari divisi-dvisi itu-.. silahkan ikuti link2 masing2 biar jelass.. :D
Siemens Medical itself have several division INSIDE it.. which can be described as follow :
AX Angiography , Fluoroscopic , Radiographic Systems
CO Components
CS Customer Services
CT Computed Tomography --> place where I do my thesis CTE PA
GS Global Solutions
HS Health Services, USA
MR Magnetic Resonance
NM Nuclear Medicine, USA
OCS Oncology Care Systems, USA
RS Refurbished Systems
RV Vacuum Technology
S.A.T Siemens Audiolog. Technik GmbH
SP Special Systems
SW Software Components and Workstations
US Ultrasound, USA
lil bit huge ya ? :)
I think they've been already explained by the name itself.. except for SP... here some description: we @ SP optimize our customers’ workflow with innovative products and solutions in Women’s Health, Surgery and Urology..
kurang lebih gitulah..
, Siemens Medical dikenalkan melalui produk2nya, yang dhasilkan dari divisi-dvisi itu-.. silahkan ikuti link2 masing2 biar jelass.. :D
Blog ini..
Blog ini dibuat untuk mencoba mencuil informasi-informasi tentang dunia Biomedical Engineering, Medical Equipment dan segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengannya...didalamnya ada juga sedikit pemikiran tentang dunia Biomedical Indonesia,dicampur dengan visi, harapan dan hasrat pribadi blogger..
Mudah-mudahan berguna bagi dunia biomedika Indonesia.
Mudah-mudahan berguna bagi dunia biomedika Indonesia.
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